How to Actually Get Things Done with ADHD: 2-10x Your Productivity

(Pst…you, yeah you, watch this video if you don’t want to read)👆

The Secret to ADHD Success: Autopilot vs. Motivation

Hey fellow ADHDer!

If you're anything like me, you've probably wondered: How in the world do I get things done with ADHD? I’ve been there, and so have over a thousand of my clients. But let me tell you, once you understand the secret to managing your mind and setting up systems, you can 2x, 5x, or even 10x your productivity. Yes, I said 10x!

Here’s the deal: 90% of your day is on autopilot. That’s right! Most of what you do isn’t even something you consciously think about. It’s routine—habits, good or bad, that run the show without asking for permission. You’ve trained your brain to follow these habits whether you realize it or not. So, if your days feel chaotic or unproductive, it’s not your fault. You’re running on a program you didn’t even know you installed.

But here’s the kicker: Motivation is NOT your fuel. Stop relying on it! Motivation is fickle, unpredictable, and if you wake up without it, guess what? You’re out of luck, friend. This is where most people get stuck. They think they have to feel motivated to get things done, but the truth is, motivation is a luxury we can’t afford to depend on. We need systems—solid, routine-based strategies that run in the background of your life.

Treat Your Tasks Like a Battle Strategy

Now, imagine you’re playing a battle game like Fortnite (or whatever your game of choice is). Do you go into battle with just your fists? Of course not! You come prepared with the best weapons for the task ahead. That’s exactly how you need to think about your day-to-day tasks. Your tasks are your enemies, and each one requires a different strategy.

Some tasks are like the camper in the distance, waiting to snipe you when you least expect it. Others are in-your-face aggressive, charging at you like a wild beast. Your job is to figure out which is which and prepare accordingly. Sound overwhelming? Stick with me. This is where the magic happens.

Routine Tasks: Automate Your Life

For recurring tasks, like doing the dishes or brushing your teeth, the goal is to turn them into routines that you don’t even think about. Do you stand in front of the mirror and think, “Hmm, should I brush my upper right molar or the lower left canine first?” Of course not! You’re on autopilot. And that’s what you need to create for the daily grind that typically drains your mental energy.

One of my clients was always overwhelmed by dirty dishes. We turned this dreaded chore into a non-negotiable part of his evening routine. After dinner, he pops on his favorite podcast—one he only listens to while doing dishes—and BOOM. Task done. He doesn’t have to muster up motivation because it’s now part of his autopilot routine.

Tackling Spontaneous Tasks: Stay in Control

Spontaneous tasks, like unexpected emails or surprise meetings, need a different approach. Label these moments for what they are: distractions. Create principles around them. For example, if you’re too drained to answer an email, don’t just put it off. Use a principle: “I’m the kind of person who gets back to important messages within 24 hours.” Boom, problem solved before it spirals out of control.

The Bottom Line: Build Your Systems, Not Your Willpower

In the end, it’s all about taking control of your autopilot and creating systems that work for you, not against you. By building routines and knowing when to use the right strategies for your tasks, you can supercharge your productivity.

You got this. Let’s get out there and take on the day!



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