The Worlds First Gamified ADHD Course, “FUN TO DONE” Is Absolutely Life Changing!

Scroll to the bottom for the article summarization or keep reading for the more in depth understanding…

Yes, you heard right!

You can officially end the struggle of trying to “fix” your ADHD and finally master it in the most fun, fast and easy way possible!

However, this course wasn’t just created for ADHDers, but anyone struggling with their executive function in a way where they just want to experience high performance in their lives or business.

I’ll go over the only 3 things you need to know in this article:

  1. What results this course was designed to give you

  2. How this course is different than anything you’ve ever done

  3. And why you can’t afford to miss out on playing

Let’s jump in:

1/3: What results this course was designed to give you

  1. Control over the distractions around you and techniques to give you more power over your focus.

  2. Tactics to end procrastination and follow through in a motivated and doable way.

  3. Skills to completely organize your day, life and yes, even your “random stuff drawer”.

  4. Strategies to help you manage time in a way that works for your schedule.

…resulting in less overwhelm and more freedom in your life.

2/3: How this course is different than anything you’ve ever done

You’re more likely to finish this course than almost any other:

The average online course only has a completion rate of 3%. Ouch! Lucky for you, this course was created specifically by an ADHD expert with a vision to create a powerful learning experience for those that struggle to finish and focus.

The goal was to create a course that was aimed to get you to truly WANT to finish and love the process:

And you will be happy to find that the course is a success, as you’re over 30x more likely to take action just by the layout of the course alone.

It’s designed to make you feel accomplished and excited:

The course has a reward system, where you win actual prizes you create for yourself, that you can only get after earning a certain amount of points. You earn points by watching video lessons and taking on doable, yet life-changing challenges.

The videos are practically addicting:

Each video is animated, includes a ton of humor and is anywhere from 2-8 minutes. Oh, and you only have to watch videos every 3 days.

You can’t finish the course until you do all the exercises:

The entire process of your journey is already laid out for you, day by day, for a total of only 6 weeks. Yup, that’s all it takes for you to change your life. You will get rewards only after earning a certain amount of points (some of the timing of earned rewards are a complete mystery).

It’s designed to transform the way you see yourself:

What truly makes this course worth the investment isn’t that it just gives you a better chance of life-transforming results with your ADHD/executive function, but a complete makeover of how you perceive yourself.

The ADHD coach behind the creation of the course, Nic McLaughlin, isn’t new to the game of coaching (pun intended).

Much of the 19 years of his experience consisted of voluntarily coaching nearly 1,000 people going through depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, with Nic himself overcoming all 3. Who better to be right by your side than someone who gets you?

Nic designed the course with the intention of rewiring your brain, transforming you into the most intentional, self-acknowledging and brilliantly playful version of you.

You’re held extremely accountable in multiple ways:

  • The course offers automatic text reminder accountability if you start falling off.

  • The workbook helps you set yourself up with accountability buddies in your life.

  • You’ll be trained on how to hold yourself accountable in ways you may have never even considered before.

  • And last but not least, you’ll have the option of getting an ADHD coach to hold you accountable and help you customize your own doable daily system.

Nic’s results speak for themselves:

If you click the homepage button on this site, you will see a large assortment of extremely satisfied and completely transformed individuals all the way from college students to multi-million dollar company CEO’s.

Nic’s coaching systems have been known to bring the breath-taking results of over 3x the energy, productivity and up to 60% more self-control over distractions within just 3 coaching sessions.

3/3: Why you can’t afford to miss out on playing

Look, you already know where you’re headed and how your life is already being affected by your struggle.

But here’s something you haven’t considered: price vs cost.

Yes, trying something new can be scary, paying for something will always cost you money, and investing your time into something doesn’t always mean you’ll get your investment back.

But here’s what’s going to change everything for you…

If there was one thing you should always invest in, it’s you. Most people will invest in their cars, rent or extra costs of food being delivered to their doors than investing what actually matters in themselves. Last I checked, you were the one that gets out of bed in the morning and gives their everything, every day to survive.

So why stay stuck in survival mode when thriving in your life on your terms is only one click away?

If there was any course designed to actually change your life, wouldn’t it be the one designed to keep you motivated, give you life-changing tactics with small amounts of commitment at a time, in the most entertaining and doable way possible by someone that isn’t trying to “fix” you, but actually gets you and has been proven to give people results they never could've dreamed?

If there was ever a time to end the worry of price (the price of time, money or fear trying something new) and start living like a CEO of your own life, investing in understanding cost (realizing how much time, money and opportunities you’re losing every day by staying where you are), right now might just be that moment.

Give yourself a chance and try the FREE trial version of the gamified experience here. If you like it, then go all in on you and take the course.

But do yourself a favor and make this the moment you make a move that will change the game for you. You still have time, money will always be earned back, but the clock is ticking every second.

If you’re interested in checking out the course, click here to learn more.

If you’re interested in seeing what ADHD/high performance coaching can do for you, snag a 15 minute FREE virtual coffee with an ADHD coach today here.

Checkout this course review! Go to the homepage to see more testimonials!

The article summarized for my fellow ADHDers

The only 3 things you need to know and what they each mean:

What results this course was designed to give you

  1. Control over the distractions around you and techniques to give you more power over your focus.

  2. Tactics to end procrastination and follow through in a motivated and doable way.

  3. Skills to completely organize your day, life and yes, even your “random stuff drawer”.

  4. Strategies to help you manage time in a way that works for your schedule.

How this course is different than anything you’ve ever done

  1. You’re more likely to finish this course than almost any other.

  2. It’s designed to make you feel accomplished and excited.

  3. The videos are practically addicting.

  4. You can’t finish the course until you do all the exercises.

  5. It’s designed to transform the way you see yourself.

  6. You’re held extremely accountable in multiple ways.

  7. Nic’s results speak for themselves

Why you can’t afford to miss out on playing

  1. Consider price vs cost. It’s costing you more right now and it will continue to cost more days of your life, dollars in your pocket and opportunities.

  2. You have the best chances of multiplying your investment of time and money.

Try the FREE trial version of the gamified experience here.

If you’re interested in checking out the course, click here to learn more.

If you’re interested in seeing what ADHD/high performance coaching can do for you, snag a 20 minute FREE chat with an ADHD coach today here.


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