The 4 Procrastination Personality Types

Do you struggle with follow through or consistency?

Well, what if I told you that there was no “one magical answer”?

In fact, what if I told you there are 4 different procrastination personality types? And what if I told you that by finding out which type you are, you will have the possibility to have total control over your procrastination, lack of focus, or even struggle to follow through? Oh yeah, and let’s not write off that anxiety that likes to follow you around like a tiny dark stormy rain cloud.

Finding out which type of procrastination personality type you are can create a massive sense of clarity, giving you the upper edge over whatever has been holding you back. So if you think you’re ready, let’s dive into each one and see if anything stands out to you.

You might just have a life changing experience after all this is over.

So, without further ado, here are the 4 procrastination types:

The Perfectionist Procrastinator:

These type of procrastinators struggle with finishing projects. They put WAY too much pressure on being perfect and end up usually being the reason they get stuck ironically.

The Self Deprecator:

If you’re the type of person that doesn’t take breaks, especially when it comes to not taking breaks on putting yourself down every time you don’t finish something, this might be you.

The Busy Body:

You usually find some sort of strange comfort in avoiding what you really should be working on, by overworking yourself on things that don’t really get you results. You’re usually extremely busy by choice.

The Shiny Object Snatcher:

This was me 10,000% for the longest time. I’d get one really great idea, start it up, then lose motivation, then start another project, then lose motivation, then repeat the process until I had five different business and zero results what-so-ever. Follow through is seemingly impossible for visionary gems like these.

So do you think you know which procrastination type you are?

Maybe you relate to multiple personality types? You may very well be a combination of a few. But while the others support, there’s only one type that has been doing the majority of the work to hold you back this long.

Well here’s some good news for you: you can find out exactly which type you are by taking the Procrastination Personality Test here. You’ll get some major clarity on what’s been holding you back and what first step you can take to immediately live your life on your terms.

All the results are right there waiting for you to live your best life.

Or if you’d like to connect with an ADHD coach who specializes in helping those with ADHD end their procrastination and embrace the force of follow through consistently, you can snag a FREE 15 minute virtual coffee here. There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

Your best life is waiting for you, so why not see what just one step in the right direction can do for you today?


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