4 Powerful Tips For The Newly Diagnosed With ADHD in 2022

Scroll to the bottom for the article summarization or keep reading for the more in depth understanding…

You've been going your whole life feeling like there was just something different about you, but you couldn't tell what it was. Your teachers would complain about how distracting you were, your bosses thought you slacked from time to time, and your parents thought you needed medication.

So you go out and test your self for ADHD and bam!: you find out you've had it all along. The news is shocking, but in a good way. If you're anything like me, then you will spend the next few days or so reading up on the myths and facts about ADHD. So as someone that has been diagnosed with ADD since I was 6, here are 4 tips that have seriously helped me and that I believe can really help you take your next few steps:

1. Know that you are normal

One of the biggest things I had to learn is that no matter who you're around, you are not the only one that has this condition. There are many who feel the way you do about ADHD and they have learned to work past these challenges. And it doesn't matter if one person in a room has ADD, everyone does: there is a growing side of the population that is being diagnosed with ADD at an alarming rate and they are collectively forming a support group for those that have this disorder and want to understand it better or help others learn how to overcome theirs.

2. Know that where you are different isn't as different as you think

Even though I know how ADHD feels, and I can list its symptoms (distractibility, impulsivity, hyperactivity, etc.) I still have a hard time explaining why it's so hard for me to stay on my task.

But what always helps me is to remind myself that my brain isn't functioning like most people's, (Instead of looking at ADHD like a flaw or something that you'll never be able to get over, then try to look at it in a new way: your brain thinks differently than everyone else's. Your brain has been wired differently because of some things in your life that happened before you were born.

But in reality your brain is no different than an introvert in a world of extroverts or even like being left handed in a world of the right handed. There's nothing wrong with you and no reason to fear. You'll soon find out that there's just not enough research on people with our brains, but you may really like what I'm about to say next.

3. Don’t go straight into, “Crud, I need medication”

Since there is so little research done about those with ADHD brains, there’s a lot of misunderstanding about medication. Medication can do very well for some, but it may actually be harmful to others.

For me, I was put on a variety of different medications right after my parents divorced, when I was 6. Though it helped me get better grades in school, it ended up making me feel like a different person, as it made me feel like it numbed my personality.

So before you go off thinking you need medication, talk to an ADHD coach and ask them if there are any tactics or strategies they can give you to help you navigate through the day. They may also be able to educate you on how ADHD brains are different than neurotypical brains, giving you a little extra peace and support. Just know that an ADHD coach can’t diagnose you, but if you try out a few tips they have and realize it really helps you, you may not even want to use medication.

Click here if you’d like to try a FREE 15-min virtual coffee with a coach from MasterADHDNow.com.

4. 80% of those with ADHD end up changing the world

A recent Forbes article stated that literally the majority of those with ADHD end up becoming entrepreneurs. I don’t know about you, but this makes a ton of sense!

Think about it: our brains are wired to figure out the deepest meanings of why we do what we do, we genuinely care about quality so much that time itself doesn’t exist to us, we can stay up for hours and hours hyperfocused on projects because we want it done right, and we are true visionaries that come up with endless ideas!

The only problem is that we tend to struggle with being super intentional about what we’re doing and we tend not to follow through as much as we should. But with a few months working with a specialized ADHD coach, you can literally turn frustration with your tasks into consistent, ground breaking work.

Click here if you’d like to see what aspect of your ADHD seems to be getting in the way and how you can fix it after answering literally only 5 questions!

The article summarized for my fellow ADHDers

Here are your ADHD tips to know about yourself:

  1. You’re actually normal. There’s a lot of people out there struggling with executive function.

  2. You do have a different brain type that has strengths and weaknesses of it’s own like anyone else. You’re basically like a left handed person in a right handed world. Not really that different.

  3. You may not need medication. Don’t jump straight into that.

  4. 80% of those with ADHD are entrepreneurs

  5. What to do: Take the ADHD test here.

  6. Download a pdf of free ADHD tips and tools here —> MasterADHDnow.com.

  7. Snag a FREE no obligation, 15 minute virtual coffee here.


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