The Top 7 Best Affordable ADHD Focus and Motivation Tools

I’m just going to come out and say it…we’re not normal. Wow, don’t look so surprised.

Look, we know we don’t exactly work in the same way that works for “everyone else”, which can totally be a bummer if you’re trying to fit into society, (or just go to school). However, as an ADHD coach of 18 years, the strategies that work the absolute best for my clients all simply base their success around the concept of one thing: “do what works best for you, not for everyone else”.

And with that said, here are 7 genius ADHD improvement products that can help you level up your life:

1/7 The Shock Clock: For Snoozers That Need A Shocking Twist To Their Sleep Schedule

Cost: $129

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, what would life be like if I watched too many Frankenstein movies?” or you literally can not get out of bed in the mornings, then boy is this a gift you’ll love. If you really can’t stop pressing the snooze button, this is the perfect last resort guaranteed to get you up in the morning. This is the priciest option on the list and I’d personally suggest the next two gadgets for snoozers, but like I said, it’s a great last resort. So what are the less shocking options?

Check it out here

2/7 Lock N Load Laser Gun Alarm Clock: The Easiest Way To Wake Up As Keanu Reeves

Cost: $34

Just going to leave this here…you know, in case you sleep in a perfectly pressed suit or something. If you’re into action films or you’ve been frustrated about having trouble finding a purpose for those sunglasses you leave under your pillow and you feel like you need to start taking your wake up game to the next level, this product is just for you. The alarm goes off, you pickup your laser, aim for the target and once you finally do, your adrenaline is pumping through your body and you backflip off your bed and into another even more pressed suit. They come in an assortment of different colors if you look up different brands online. But in case you’re not much into items like this, there is…one last snooze-killing option. But be warned, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Check it out here

3/7 Clocky Alarm Clock On Wheels: The Perfect Way To “Get Exercise Before Opening Your Eyes”

Cost: $40

If you really want to get out of bed and you want a good laugh first thing in the morning while watching your dog chase a strange tiny robot around, this might just be for you. All you have to do is set the alarm and once it’s time to wake up, the alarm makes R2D2-like sounds and runs off, making it difficult to stay asleep. It’s decently affordable, comes in different colors and can make a great gift for your kids so you don’t have to wake them up for school (parents begin patting themselves on the back as they lie in bed with their sleep masks on).

Check it out here

4/7 Full Focus Planner: An Easy Way To Run Your Day While Looking Important At Coffee Shops

Cost: $12-$50

Instead of telling you how badly I want this thing by my side as I sleep, how much I want to drive to the market with it beside me, buckled into the passenger seat, or how much I’m currently fantasizing about taking pictures with it on a ferris wheel while feeding it cotton candy, I’ll just copy and paste what the website for the company says:

“The Full Focus System is all about working smarter, not harder. This is how you win at work and succeed at life.

Whether you already own your Full Focus Planner or this is your first time hearing about the Full Focus System, welcome! Apply the framework below and you’ll go far, fast.”


1. Define 8 Annual Goals, and get specific. You’ll know you’ve accomplished this foundational step if you follow the SMARTER framework.

2. Dig into the details on each Annual Goal. Details like...

  • Your key motivations, in order of importance

  • The first few actions you’ll take to get rolling

  • How you’ll celebrate once you reach your goal

3. Divide your 8 Annual Goals into Quarterly Goals, with three or fewer Annual Goals assigned to Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Stick to the limit of three or risk major burnout. We call these goals the Quarterly Big 3.”

Plus it comes in lots of colors. (There, I contributed)

Check it out here

5/7 The Heroes Journal: A Gamified Way To Vanquish Your Day

Cost: $50

Not only has gamification been one of the most powerful tools in my tool belt (don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you I’m batman…and I’m not going to tell you I’m not either), but it’s the easiest way for just about anyone to accomplish just about anything. This journal is for those that want to spice up their life with a little adventure, while organizing their day like a hero. It’s a quick, fun, and a useful tool for those that get bored easily.

Check it out here

6/7 Phone Detox: Reconnect With Life…You Know, Like How It Used To Be Before Cell Phones

Cost: $12

When it comes to top distracting devices, the phone has to be #1 on the list. So the next time you want to grab your phone, reach for this pocket-sized booklet instead. The creators of this brilliant product have already laid out powerfully supportive meditations, concepts, and tips to keep your focus in your control. The booklet covers addiction, dating, nature, poetry and a variety of topics that will keep you off your phone and in a peaceful mindset.

Check it out here

7/7 The Apollo: Destress, Sleep Better & Focus Powerfully

Cost: $350

This device is so amazing that I had to re-edit this article a month after posting this blog just so I could put this product in here. This is a revolutionary device for those that are anxious, those with ADHD that want to focus more, or those who just want to sleep better. In their words:

“The device’s silent, soothing vibrations speak to your nervous system, telling you that you’re safe and in control. Developed by neuroscientists and physicians, it’s a safe, non-invasive stress relief tool for adults and children, without drugs or side effects.”

The stats are supremely impressive:

  • 40% less stress and feelings of anxiety, on average

  • 11% increase in HRV, on average

  • Up to 25% more focus and concentration

  • 19% more time in deep sleep, on average

Check it out here

Ok, I had to put this on here because it’s awesome for…obvious reasons. The Helmfon Helmet: The most extroverted way to be an introvert:

Cost: ???

Picture this: You walk into a busy cafe. Everyone is loudly talking about their boring lives while slurping down their coffee. But oh no! You have a meeting in 2 minutes and there’s nowhere to sit with peace and quiet. Wait, that’s when you remember, you were smart enough to bring your totally awesome and unbelievably useful noise cancelling helmet. It’s light, quiet, and not to mention, perfect for focus. And if you’re introverted, this is probably the closest you could possibly get to becoming a social hermit crab (unless you made a Tik Tok for a crab at the beach). Sadly this device isn’t on Amazon at the moment, but if you message the designer, I’m sure you can get one of these bad boys made just for you.

Check it out here

If you’ve been struggling to focus or procrastination has been running your life, click here to check out our site and see what ADHD coaching could do for you!

Or snag a free 15 minute virtual coffee with an ADHD coach here.


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